Monday, November 16, 2009

Dehn's and Deer's

"TEAM TITANIC" yes thousands of people died in the cold water in 1912, however, this time it was a happy ending Go jump in the lake, much warmer at this years POLAR PLUNGE than last year. Mama don't care unless you talk, then they FREAK! Thanks to our Local Bicycle shop BICKELS, I was able to spend the entire day Saturday blowing the leaves off Dehn's trails. Its a pretty long walk carrying the industrial sized leaf blower they have but its worth the effort cause you can actually SEE the trail now, especially at night. I talked with one of the land owners as well (he thought I was a four wheeler when he heard 4 hours of leaf blowing) Really nice guy who just purchased 11 more acres of Dehn's, hates four wheelers but likes us bikers. You'll be seeing more "no tresspassing" signs in the future but he is specifically targeting the wheeler crowd. If you see him make sure you thank him for letting us maintain and ride trails on his property. Next up I'm going to get rid of the WIDE bridge the wheelers are/were using to get around the main loop and a more biker/hiker bridge will be installed in-line with the flow on that hill.


Midz said...

You're back! Gllad you're keepin busy. I gotta get Milokman up your way so you can get us some snow lessons this winter!

Mike Howard said...

Nice to have a private land owner let you guy's ride and make trails.