Tuesday, May 06, 2008

I'm NOT the Lone Ranger afterall...

I've been thinking about this summer alot in terms of racing my bikes, obviously more thinking than riding or racing at this point, and I guess there are more than a few of us out in BLOGLAND that have decided to cut back on racing time this year. Everybody knows the $$$'s are tight, buying gas sucks anyway, and more than a twinge of family time guilt comes into play in regard to where a person spends their time and money. I'm already thinking of summer projects I HAVE TO COMPLETE, like repainting all the trim on my windows, fixing a million little things around the house, hell I think nothing of raking 5 miles of trails in Dehn's but I need to rake my yard once in awhile as well. I'll still get to a couple of races this year but nothing compared to the last 4 or 5 years. I am going to concentrate on the trails too, I'm even entertaining the idea of organizing some Mountain Bike rides for the YMCA, they have access to some of the best trails right behind their back door and don't even realize the potential. Now that school for the Kiddos is winding down I may even get to ride on Tuesdays again, which is going to be tuff cause I've had a secret affair with with CAKE this winter (well PIE too) but I LIKE CAKE, and cake likes me cause I'm still carrying most of what I've eaten. Its like that commercial where the guy lost his expense report so the accountant just looks at the guys butt and exclaims "HO CHEE MOMMA" yeah... Kayaking is fun, NEED WHITEWATER.


Neve_r_est said...

I'm starting over. C group dinner rides, hopefully they won't drop me.


mattonne said...

The tuesday night TITANS pulled my fat beehind about 40 miles last night, I felt like a big gooey slinky

Mike Howard said...

Hey Matt Missed you at Midwest Fest.nothing but riding,drinking and eating...I'm with you on the racing so much to do around the house,work and family time plus a new bass boat last year.If I have one more set back with the training I'm calling the season off...Hopefully not but I'll always be riding...Jubilee Jam June 8th come over and see us!

Pete Basso said...

Matt - definitely in the same boat as you this year. A few less races, more trail work and saving on gas. At nearly $4 a gallon it makes it tough to drive to the race, pay entry fees, feed your carcass after the race and on top of all it...miss a day from the family. Funny how priorities can switch because of money???