Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Almost 2008

I signed up to do this. Should be an interesting ride/race to kick off the New Year however, I will not be using the bike you see below. Why did I get a 7.5 inch travel Freeride bike? Um, cause it sounded like a good idea at the time. Maybe I'll finally race in this series with it, or permanently damage myself, either way, its spongy and already has been hucked off my front stairs. Aw 'cmon everyone needs one right? All this bike represents is more trailwork for me, ( i need a freaky raised ladder bridge-drop-to-gap-jump-slope-style-mad-skilz-ankle-busting-medical$$$-type trail)


Mike Howard said...

Ok Matt listen up buddy! Give that 7.5 inches of broken bones, dislocated shoulders of a bike to your son right away! Walk away Matt ! walk away now !

Pete Basso said...

Maybe you can set up some freeride contest at the Snake Alley Race. You and the dude on the monster bike can fight for honors. Or you can find a way to jump the peloton of the Catr 1/2's?