Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Whats that sound?...

All over the midwest, on any given Tuesday, hundreds of cabin fever cyclists took to the streets. In every city and town, on paved roads or gravel, the sounds of freewheels buzzing and folks clipping into their pedals. The return of the "TUESDAY NIGHT WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS", (where ever your respective world is) signals the coming season. Of course the motorists love to see everyone riding again, and judging by the amount of honking horns, half rolled down window screaming, and pedal--to-the-metal drive byes, they to welcome this annual parade of lycra as well!! Now I gotta wait for the trails to dry out and begin a major clean up after the ice. Scott County Park on Sunday! Viva le bike!


mtb05girl said...

I don't know if our 7-person group ride was considered World Championship lastnight...haha. We need to recruit more people.

mattonne said...

they were busy at spin class...

mtb05girl said...

oh yea...i forgot.

Neve_r_est said...

Road race? Pppt! There's dry dirt in KC to be had man!


mattonne said...

i know i know, but its a team race, Tater would never let me hear the end of it if i missed ANOTHER one...