Wednesday, February 03, 2010


Welcome to Copper Mountain Colorado, we'll be cruising at an altitude of 12,000 feet this afternoon down to 8,000 feet by this evening. Todays weather is perfect sunshine, no wind and fresh powder from last nights 4 inches. Your quads will scream bloody murder as the runs are 20 times longer and steeper than you've experienced so far this year. I highly recommend trying the double black runs down the Union bowl, how in the hell can moguls get made on a 45 degree slope? Why in the hell would you want to try and snowboard down them? Why not? This is the view from the top of Coppers 22 foot tall "SUPERPIPE". I told myself I am not in the least interested in this feature. Why should I risk it? Hell I'm still nursing a couple of cracked ribs from 4 weeks ago. I don't have a helmet either. My skilz don't qualify. My right rotator cuff may be damaged beyond repair. Missus Brakeville strongly suggested I DO NOT ATTEMPT!!!! So I didn't do it (at least not the FIRST day) By the second day the overwhelming urge to add to my list of injuries was TOO great. First run down was sweet, I noticed that TV does NOT do justice to just how HARD the surface is (note to self, make sure your edges are tuned BEFORE you try this again). A couple of lame 180's is all I could throw, but I was unscathed and grinning. Now lets hit it with some AMPLITUDE, needless to say most of the swelling in my left wrist is gone already! I did recover my hat, glasses, goggles and camera after the dizzy spell went away. I'm sure the onlookers were entertained and the results of my second run may have persuaded those contemplating a go at the pipe to avoid injury as well, so it was kind of a public safety visual aid that may have saved lives. Hmmm, I wonder if Snowstar will let me build a mini-pipe there :)


Midz said...

That is some seriously funny shit!

Unknown said...

They call those wipeouts "yard sales"