Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Almost 2008

I signed up to do this. Should be an interesting ride/race to kick off the New Year however, I will not be using the bike you see below. Why did I get a 7.5 inch travel Freeride bike? Um, cause it sounded like a good idea at the time. Maybe I'll finally race in this series with it, or permanently damage myself, either way, its spongy and already has been hucked off my front stairs. Aw 'cmon everyone needs one right? All this bike represents is more trailwork for me, ( i need a freaky raised ladder bridge-drop-to-gap-jump-slope-style-mad-skilz-ankle-busting-medical$$$-type trail)

Monday, December 17, 2007

Honkers, Snow, and IOWA

What started with a dozen ended up being thousands...Waves of geese hitting Geode during saturdays snow...may have to start hunting these guys again We need to buy a dog sled and MUSH these puppys Riding Sunday Stayed out until my waterbottle froze...

Friday, December 07, 2007


WOO HOO We finally got some snow to ride on. And DAMN was it slick, my rear disc froze solid and riding in the woods using only the fronts is a recipie for PAIN... Can't remember which picture this is right now...DOH! Left over from Halloween, but a must see anyhow, From Left to Right; daughter T1 as "little DEAD riding hood". Mrs. Brakeville enjoying a really bad hair day and face peel gone wrong as the "Witch Doctress". daughter T2 as "Frankensteins Squeeze". BFF as "Zombie Girl". Me you ask? I'm still wearing it to this day...If anyone asks, yes I have NOT had a hair cut since MAY 2007, and I'm digging it. Cheers!

Thursday, December 06, 2007


Well not ME so much but how about a 60 mile point to point MTB race on January 19th 2008??????? huh? HUH????? I gotta try it right? HERE's all the POOP, HOWIE are you interested??????